Thermoval Polska S.A.

ul. Okulickiego 21
05-500 Piaseczno, Poland

Commercial matters
Maintenance and technical matters

KRS 0000755219
NIP 9512472037
REGON 381660505

District Court for Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Economic Department of the National Court Register

Contact (FR)

How can we help you?

    Your contact details:

    *required fields
    Attach a file:

    Data is only processed by Thermoval Polska within the scope required to realise the obligations arising from the commercial relations with the client, and any other processing without the express prior consent of the client is forbidden. We are required within this scope to enable the client to execute the duties provided for by law, in respecting the rights of interested persons and in particular so-called “rights of interested persons”. We confirm that any other use is forbidden and results in the responsibility provided for by legislation, including criminal or civil liability.

      Your contact details:

      *required fields
      Attach a file:

      Data is only processed by Thermoval Polska within the scope required to realise the obligations arising from the commercial relations with the client, and any other processing without the express prior consent of the client is forbidden. We are required within this scope to enable the client to execute the duties provided for by law, in respecting the rights of interested persons and in particular so-called “rights of interested persons”. We confirm that any other use is forbidden and results in the responsibility provided for by legislation, including criminal or civil liability.

        Your contact details:

        Information required with regard to the product claimed for:

        Conditions for submitting a complaint on the basis of a Warranty Card:

        1. This contact form is intended for submitting quality-related complaints and claims for products distributed by Thermoval Polska S.A., solely due to warranty protection and on the basis of provisions of the terms and conditions of the warranty on the product, as included in the Warranty Card.

        2. Claims due to guarantee terms should be addressed directly to the seller of the product claimed for. Claims from the guarantee submitted to the Technical Dept of Thermoval Polska S.A. will not be considered.

        3. Claims from the Warranty Card will only be considered in the situation where copies of the following documents are provided attached to the claim:

          • a properly completed original
 Warranty Card provided along with the product, marked with the seller’s stamp,

          • proof of purchase of the product
 and submission of all the information according to the contents of the contact form.

        4. The Technical Dept. undertakes to consider whether the claim is justified within 14 days of the claim being submitted. 
The deadline for removing the defect from the product depends on the technical conditions required to repair or replace the product.

        5. The Technical Dept. will only consider quality-related claims regarding products distributed by Thermoval Polska S.A.

        6. Under no circumstances will Thermoval Polska S.A. bear responsibility for faulty installation of the product, inconsistent with the installation instructions, or for the effects of improper use of the product. Claims concerning these matters will not be considered.

        7. Thermoval Polska S.A. does not provide door-to-door maintenance services for the products covered by the warranty protection, and does not diagnose, regulate or repair the product at the customer’s premises. 
The exceptions are products installed permanently on the structure of a building or installation site, such as heating mats, heating leads, storage heaters and central heating.

        8. Thermoval Polska S.A. does not cover any costs connected with delivering the product claimed for to the headquarters of Central Maintenance.

        I have familiarised myself with the above conditions*

        *required fields
        Attach a file:

        Data is only processed by Thermoval Polska within the scope required to realise the obligations arising from the commercial relations with the client, and any other processing without the express prior consent of the client is forbidden. We are required within this scope to enable the client to execute the duties provided for by law, in respecting the rights of interested persons and in particular so-called “rights of interested persons”. We confirm that any other use is forbidden and results in the responsibility provided for by legislation, including criminal or civil liability.